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5100C9W PDU Whips, 100A, 3ØY 120/208V Data Center Cables


Liquid tight PDU cable with 1 x 5100C9W connector and an 8′ wire tail

Choose Your Conduit Color *

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Breaker Options


IEC 309 5100C9W PDU Whips – 100A, 120/208V, 3 Phase Power Cables

Download PDU Whip Excel Configurator – Use for large quantities and further customizaton options – email sales@pduwhips.com

5100c9w * Power whip w/ 1 x 5100C9W Connector

* 5-Wire 3-Phase 100A cable assembly

* Available in 10 colors and custom lengths

* Custom labeling available

* Several mounting options available

* Custom tails for termination to breaker panel

* UL Listed


Receptacle       5100C9W x 1 
Amperage 100A
Voltage 120/208V
Phase 3 Phase
Lengths 5 foot – 200 foot
Colors Available
Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, Green, Purple, Gray, Orange, White, Pink
Number of Wires 5 Wire
Wire Gauge 2 AWG 
Cable THHN Stranded Wire (Green/Black/Red/Blue/White)
Conduit Width 1.25″
Circuit Breaker Optional

5100C9W pdu whip

Technical Notes UL Listed, Uses Anaconda LFMC SealTite conduit

 Applications: For use in raised data center floors for providing power distribtuon to server rack equipment

 Part number: IBX-5100C9W-XXYY – XX Denotes Length, YY is color (BLK, BL, RD, GY, GN, PK, PU, YL, OR, WH)

 Custom Made and Non-Returnable

 5100C9W whip, IEC60309 PDU power cables, 5100C9W PDU Whips, Data rack PDU cables

Customization Options:


Fax Purchase Orders to 1-800-447-1381 or email  sales@pduwhips.com
Call Toll-Free 1-800-590-8610 if you need technical assistance or if you need a quote

Have any presale or support questions? Drop us a quick line here, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Or give us a call at  1(800)590-8610

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